Multiple buffer overflows in gram.y for PostgreSQL 8.0.1 and earlier may allow attackers to execute arbitrary code via (1) a large number of variables in a SQL statement being handled by the read_sql_construct function, (2) a large number of INTO variables in a SELECT statement being handled by the make_select_stmt function, (3) a large number of arbitrary variables in a SELECT statement being handled by the make_select_stmt function, and (4) a large number of INTO variables in a FETCH statement being handled by the make_fetch_stmt function, a different set of vulnerabilities than CVE-2005-0245.
Affected Vendors & Products
No history.

Assigner: redhat
Published: 2005-02-08T05:00:00
Updated: 2024-08-07T21:05:25.547Z
Reserved: 2005-02-08T00:00:00
Link: CVE-2005-0247

No data.

Status : Modified
Published: 2005-05-02T04:00:00.000
Modified: 2024-11-20T23:54:43.180
Link: CVE-2005-0247