Multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities in the Administrative Interface in the IIS extension in Symantec IM Manager before 8.4.16 allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via (1) the rdReport parameter to rdpageimlogic.aspx, related to the sGetDefinition function in rdServer.dll, and SQL statements contained within a certain report file; (2) unspecified parameters in a DetailReportGroup (aka DetailReportGroup.lgx) action to rdpageimlogic.aspx; the (3) selclause, (4) whereTrendTimeClause, (5) TrendTypeForReport, (6) whereProtocolClause, or (7) groupClause parameter in a SummaryReportGroup (aka SummaryReportGroup.lgx) action to rdpageimlogic.aspx; the (8) loginTimeStamp, (9) dbo, (10) dateDiffParam, or (11) whereClause parameter in a LoggedInUsers (aka LoggedInUSers.lgx) action to (a) rdpageimlogic.aspx or (b) rdPage.aspx; the (12) selclause, (13) whereTrendTimeClause, (14) TrendTypeForReport, (15) whereProtocolClause, or (16) groupClause parameter to rdpageimlogic.aspx; (17) the groupList parameter to IMAdminReportTrendFormRun.asp; or (18) the email parameter to IMAdminScheduleReport.asp.
Affected Vendors & Products
No history.

Assigner: mitre
Published: 2010-10-28T19:00:00
Updated: 2024-08-07T00:37:53.890Z
Reserved: 2009-12-31T00:00:00
Link: CVE-2010-0112

No data.

Status : Modified
Published: 2010-10-28T20:00:02.483
Modified: 2024-11-21T01:11:33.520
Link: CVE-2010-0112

No data.