Unrestricted file upload vulnerability in the EasyEdit module in Lomtec ActiveWeb Professional 3.0 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by uploading an executable file via the UploadDirectory and Accepted Extensions fields in the getImagefile component of EasyEdit.cfm.

No history.

cve-icon MITRE


Assigner: mitre

Published: 2011-01-28T20:29:00

Updated: 2024-08-06T21:58:26.129Z

Reserved: 2011-01-28T00:00:00

Link: CVE-2011-0678

cve-icon Vulnrichment

No data.

cve-icon NVD

Status : Modified

Published: 2011-01-28T21:00:30.420

Modified: 2024-11-21T01:24:36.107

Link: CVE-2011-0678

cve-icon Redhat

No data.