An issue was discovered on Neato Botvac Connected 2.2.0 devices. They execute unauthenticated manual drive commands (sent to /bin/webserver on port 8081) if they already have an active session. Commands like forward, back, arc-left, arc-right, pivot-left, and pivot-right are executed even though the web socket replies with { "message" : "invalid authorization header" }. Without an active session, commands are still interpreted, but (except for eco-on and eco-off) have no effect, since without active driving, a driving direction does not change anything.
Affected Vendors & Products
No history.

Assigner: mitre
Published: 2018-09-18T18:00:00Z
Updated: 2024-09-17T02:42:40.739Z
Reserved: 2018-09-18T00:00:00Z
Link: CVE-2018-17178

No data.

Status : Modified
Published: 2018-09-18T18:29:09.600
Modified: 2024-11-21T03:54:01.510
Link: CVE-2018-17178

No data.