The workspace client, openspace client, app development client, and REST API of TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM, TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Distribution for TIBCO Silver Fabric, and TIBCO Silver Fabric Enabler for ActiveMatrix BPM contain cross site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery vulnerabilities. Affected releases are TIBCO Software Inc.'s TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM: versions up to and including 4.2.0, TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Distribution for TIBCO Silver Fabric: versions up to and including 4.2.0, and TIBCO Silver Fabric Enabler for ActiveMatrix BPM: versions up to and including 1.4.1.
Affected Vendors & Products
No history.

Assigner: tibco
Published: 2019-04-24T20:20:12.316749Z
Updated: 2024-09-16T20:28:07.150Z
Reserved: 2019-04-12T00:00:00
Link: CVE-2019-11203

No data.

Status : Modified
Published: 2019-04-24T21:29:00.633
Modified: 2024-11-21T04:20:43.173
Link: CVE-2019-11203

No data.