XWiki Platform is a generic wiki platform offering runtime services for applications built on top of it. Any user with view rights on commonly accessible documents including the menu macro can execute arbitrary Groovy, Python or Velocity code in XWiki leading to full access to the XWiki installation due to improper escaping of the macro content and parameters of the menu macro. The problem has been patched in XWiki 14.6RC1, 13.10.8 and 14.4.3. The patch (commit `2fc20891`) for the document `Menu.MenuMacro` can be manually applied or a XAR archive of a patched version can be imported. The menu macro was basically unchanged since XWiki 11.6 so on XWiki 11.6 or later the patch for version of 13.10.8 (commit `59ccca24a`) can most likely be applied, on XWiki version 14.0 and later the versions in XWiki 14.6 and 14.4.3 should be appropriate.
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Assigner: GitHub_M
Published: 2022-11-23T00:00:00
Updated: 2024-08-03T12:56:38.543Z
Reserved: 2022-09-30T00:00:00
Link: CVE-2022-41934

No data.

Status : Modified
Published: 2022-11-23T20:15:10.097
Modified: 2024-11-21T07:24:06.210
Link: CVE-2022-41934

No data.