Http4s is a Scala interface for HTTP services. Starting with version 0.1.0 and prior to versions 0.21.34, 0.22.15, 0.23.17, and 1.0.0-M38, the `User-Agent` and `Server` header parsers are susceptible to a fatal error on certain inputs. In http4s, modeled headers are lazily parsed, so this only applies to services that explicitly request these typed headers. Fixes are released in 0.21.34, 0.22.15, 0.23.17, and 1.0.0-M38. As a workaround, use the weakly typed header interface.
Affected Vendors & Products
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Assigner: GitHub_M
Published: 2023-01-04T15:30:04.129Z
Updated: 2024-08-02T10:13:48.417Z
Reserved: 2022-12-29T03:00:40.879Z
Link: CVE-2023-22465

No data.

Status : Modified
Published: 2023-01-04T16:15:09.323
Modified: 2024-11-21T07:44:51.550
Link: CVE-2023-22465

No data.