opentelemetry-go-contrib is a collection of extensions for OpenTelemetry-Go. The v0.38.0 release of `` uses the `httpconv.ServerRequest` function to annotate metric measurements for the `http.server.request_content_length`, `http.server.response_content_length`, and `http.server.duration` instruments. The `ServerRequest` function sets the `` attribute value to be the whole request URI (including the query string)[^1]. The metric instruments do not "forget" previous measurement attributes when `cumulative` temporality is used, this means the cardinality of the measurements allocated is directly correlated with the unique URIs handled. If the query string is constantly random, this will result in a constant increase in memory allocation that can be used in a denial-of-service attack. This issue has been addressed in version 0.39.0. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this issue.
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No history.

Assigner: GitHub_M
Published: 2023-02-08T19:21:37.401Z
Updated: 2024-08-02T11:18:35.672Z
Reserved: 2023-02-03T16:59:18.242Z
Link: CVE-2023-25151

No data.

Status : Modified
Published: 2023-02-08T20:15:24.620
Modified: 2024-11-21T07:49:12.403
Link: CVE-2023-25151